Our donation to the VLBA GoFundMe Campaign

We've donated £250 to the VLBA GoFundMe Campaign.

Following the recent announcements regarding the funding partnership being stopped from Manchester Pride for the safer-sex packs (Condom & Lube Scheme) and funding for George House Trust this week, Manchester’s Gay Village venues called an emergency meeting on Friday 6th of August.

In this meeting they discussed how as a community, they can help to support the much-needed help and funds to continue the work within our Village and our city. Having met with representatives from the LGBT Foundation and GHT we have agreed to attempt to meet their needs to set-up a new funding stream for them and launch TARGET £100k.

The Safer-Sex Pack project was set up in 1994 and has been the longest running free service in the world. With this money, over 90,000 safe-sex packs can be produced, distributed and facilitate a whole years’ supply, and also the continuous work that the GHT do as we fight to eliminate the stigma of HIV and support people living with HIV.

This fundraiser will run though to August 2022.

You can make a donation here.

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